Friday, October 29, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

(Over all the serious portraits, I think this one with the tree moss mustache suits you best.)

I think back on my entire life with you and am filled with so much joy and thankfulness. I'm reminded of a silly  "Where I'm From" poem that I had to write back in high school and surprisingly think it does a pretty good job of beginning to describe what an amazing influence you have been in my life. I don't remember all of the lines, but I will share what I have with you: 

"I'm from across the Americas where cultures intertwine.
I'm from childhood memories of "spider swinging" and neighborhood parades.
I'm from up North in a country of ice and snow, tulips in the spring, and skating all year 'round.
I'm from triple toe loops, axles and sit-spins.
I'm from flying heinies, rubber-band wars and monkey bars.
I'm from Canadian Snowbirds, Lake Okanagan and Ogopogo.
I'm from Big White skiing, ice sculptures, tukes and portable boot warmers.
I'm from Dad's black-ice-sliding-snow-bank-crashing driving and my tongue stuck to a frozen lamp post.
I'm from down South where "you guys" is "ya'll" with that common drawl.
I'm from hot and humid weather, kickboxing and rollerblades.
I'm from books always cracked open--not a TV in sight.
I'm from adventures encouraged, always dreaming of exploring a new land." 

Dad, you were intricately a part of all of that. From instructing me in the ancient art of the flying heinie to teaching me to drive the stick shift and letting me explore and learn of life on my own--you have always been loving and supporting me. I love laughing and breaking it down on the kitchen dance floor with you. Who would I be without your love of people and mad dance skills? Thank you for loving me as you do. There has never been a day that I have doubted your love for me. What an overwhelming blessing! God has been so faithful to continually reveal Himself to me through our relationship. I am excited about what the Lord has in store for us in the coming years. I imagine it is filled with much more adventure and diving into the exciting unknown. I pray we continually place our hope in Jesus. I love you so much, Daddy. 


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Lady Loves of My Life


(This is an ongoing series--so there's definitely more to come!)