Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Venture in Athens: Handbags!

Working with handbag designer Leigh Ann Barnes on the redesign of her packaging materials! This piece is an example of what would be placed inside a newly purchased handbag. (Content and wording to be altered.)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Graphic Design for The Wild Basin

Our marketing gal, Hillary, had me design a graphic for the "Vendie Award" series that she is doing on the business blog for our preferred vendors. This logo will go on the vendor's website and link to our website. Check out Hillary's writing on The Wild Basin blog here:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

NICU Competition Presentation

Today is the big day for the final presentations of our Senior Studio Competition! Ah! Check out the boards highlighting our design for a NICU Rooming-in-Room:


Design Development



Competition Sponsor: Cotton

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Website Design!

A requirement of one of my senior projects was to write a research paper about my studio's design concept- defending our design with research and exemplifying critical thought. I hate paper writing so I wanted to take a more creative approach that made "research" seem less daunting and lame. became the vehicle for me to graphically organize and lay out my thought process and make for an interactive writing/reading experience. Special thanks to my amazingly generous, patient, and servant-hearted brother who helped me make it all happen. Andrew, you make my love of functional beauty become an unbelievable reality.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Lauren Edmunds for Miss Georgia!

This is the ad design (sponsored by Lauren's beautiful and supportive family) 
that will appear in the Miss Georgia Pageant 2011 program this summer. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy Birthday, Meredith Casada!

I love you, my sweet garden friend! 
I am encouraged and challenged by your honesty, stubborn pursuit of Truth and righteousness, and your deep rooted love for Jesus and continual reliance on Him. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Colorado Bound!

After graduation I'm moving to Allenspark, CO to work with an event center near the Wild Basin entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Going along with my current interest in the stationary arts, these residence boards were inspired by moving announcements from Minted. (P.S. In reality, my actual living situation will be a bit more primitive. Hello, shower in the living room...)  

I leave May 14th--seriously, come see me!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Inspired by Invitations

Stationary design is becoming one of my new favorite things. Check out Minted for more fresh invitation ideas. This post goes out to all my engaged friends--Happy Planning!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

High Concept Design: NICU Room Prototype

Nature is something we all identify with. It isn’t confined to our socioeconomic or racial status. We all live on planet earth. We all interact with the natural world on a breath-by-breath basis. Nature is instinctual simply because we are fundamentally a part of it.

This room is designed to be receptive to the human form, enveloping you with the healing powers of nature through its breathable, life-giving materials and gentle, organic curves. Here there is safety in your vulnerability and pain. This place is designed for you. You know how to use the room from the first moment you enter it. Everything you touch is simple, intuitive and accessible.

Technology is at its best when it feels completely natural, almost like there’s no technology at all. This room’s revolutionary interface is designed to be sensitive to your touch. When your fingers touch the display, it senses them then instantly it transforms your motions into lifelike actions.

Here you can mold and shape your experience. You are not held captive but instead equipped to be set free. Here you can exist and endure. The atmosphere is restorative and rejuvenating--soothing and replenishing your mind, body and soul. This space will help sustain you.

You are the author. This room beckons you to fill it with your story.

Intuitive Restoration: An Environment Embracing Your Journey