Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Birthday, MQD!

My beautiful, adventurous, joyful friend--I am so encouraged by your life! 
I love you and miss you like crazy!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

King Avenue Project Update!

Back in November 2010 I posted pictures from the site visit for the King Avenue building project I am working on with my design team, Studio MLA. By early December we had analyzed the lot with a Site Planning Board. After the Christmas break we have been going full speed ahead to develop a design concept and prepare a footprint with a floor plan. Tomorrow we are meeting with the builder, Jared York, to get his feedback on where our design is going and to get a feel for his aesthetic preferences (i.e. color and material selections). 

As a group we have been thinking about the concept of the "new urban family" where busy lives center around a modern and convenient a way of living. With that approach we wanted to create an open plan that allowed for relating throughout all stages of the day. The design would give overall warmth to embrace and foster life within the space. 

Our design holistically embraces all family activities spanning from the living to the kitchen and dining. Herein lies the heart of the household. While using natural materials such as wood, stone or brick, we have developed an innovative environment in which the kitchen is, in essence, the physical hearth of the home. 

We believe that Jared can be on the forefront of design by using our plan that incorporates universal design as an integral part of sustainable design. Universal design is the space planning method of sustainable design. It allows for flexible use of the home over time and does not discriminate--allowing us to welcome all life into the home.
(Board design by the phenomenal Lauren Edmunds)

The board above showcases the sustainable feature of universal design throughout the floorplan. To argue the versatility and accessibility of our design, we created three separate and different space plans for each room of the home along with a detailed key to indicate the universal design features.

The following two boards are offering Jared warm and cool color palettes and suggesting some interior and exterior use of materials. The roofline of the house will become more varied and increase in visual interest as we move along in the design and further develop the front facade. 

(Board design by the phenomenal Lauren Edmunds)

(Board design by the phenomenal Lauren Edmunds)