Thursday, May 5, 2011

NICU Competition Presentation

Today is the big day for the final presentations of our Senior Studio Competition! Ah! Check out the boards highlighting our design for a NICU Rooming-in-Room:


Design Development



Competition Sponsor: Cotton

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Website Design!

A requirement of one of my senior projects was to write a research paper about my studio's design concept- defending our design with research and exemplifying critical thought. I hate paper writing so I wanted to take a more creative approach that made "research" seem less daunting and lame. became the vehicle for me to graphically organize and lay out my thought process and make for an interactive writing/reading experience. Special thanks to my amazingly generous, patient, and servant-hearted brother who helped me make it all happen. Andrew, you make my love of functional beauty become an unbelievable reality.